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Nurturing Literary Bonds: Celebrating National Love Your Bookshop Day (Australia)

Love Your Bookshop day is celebrated every year on August 14. It is a holiday that was founded by the Australian Booksellers Association. The aim is to appreciate bookshops around the country and highlight all the things that make local bookshops beneficial. The day creates a national wide appreciation for books and encourages more people to read. Bookshops exist to serve knowledge to the public and that is a very important job. The more equipped bookshops are, the better quality of knowledge people can get access to. In a time when books can be ordered online, the local brick-and-mortar bookshop needs all the support it can get.

History of Love Your Bookshop Day

Love Your Bookshop day is an Australian holiday that is celebrated every year on August 14. It is an appreciation of the local brick-and-mortar bookshops in the country. The day helps to create publicity for the bookshops while encouraging more people to read. Reading is a very important part of a country’s culture. The education of the public is largely dependent on the type of books they read. The more people read the more people would have access to the information they need to do their best. People can apply the knowledge they receive from books to make better decisions in their own lives.

Some bookshops allow people to buy books and rent as well. You can sit to read in bookshops. They create the most conducive atmosphere for reading. Reading can be educational but it can be a fun pass time as well. Many people have mentioned reading as one of their favorite hobbies. Every book takes the reader on a very special journey into the mind of the author. People can follow characters in books and live vicariously through them. The best books simply paint the most vivid of pictures for the readers. With the use of imagination, everyone can fully experience the worlds that exist in books. There are billions of books that have been published around the world. This means billions of literary worlds are available to be explored. Books can be a very fun and safe escape from reality. People sometimes need to escape from their real lives for a few hours.