Modern Beatitudes

If you have the friendship of God and enjoy the gifts of His creation,WHO COULD BModern BeatitudesIf you have the friendship of God and enjoy the gifts of His creation,WHO COULD BE RICHER?If you can face disappointments, failure, loss and loneliness, alone or with others,WHO COULD BE MORE RESPECTED?If you are aware of your own true worth and the value of others,WHO COULD BE MORE ACCEPTED?If your dreams are not limited to taking care of your own needs, but include those of others,WHO COULD BE MORE SUCCESSFUL?If you learn to forgive and forget when others hurt you,WHO WILL BE MORE LOVED?If you make peace happen working for justice, even in the smallest manners,WHO WILL BE MORE FULFILLED?If you live by your principles, and willing to sort the answers from the right ones,WHO WILL BE HAPPIER THAN YOU?E RICHER?If you can face disappointments, failure, loss and loneliness, alone or with others,WHO COULD BE MORE RESPECTED?If you are aware of your own true worth and the value of others,WHO COULD BE MORE ACCEPTED?If your dreams are not limited to taking care of your own needs, but include those of others,WHO COULD BE MORE SUCCESSFUL?If you learn to forgive and forget when others hurt you,WHO WILL BE MORE LOVED?If you make peace happen working for justice, even in the smallest manners,WHO WILL BE MORE FULFILLED?If you live by your principles, and willing to sort the answers from the right ones,WHO WILL BE HAPPIER THAN YOU?