How to Make Reading a Habit

The Atomic Habits author presents down-to-earth ways to work reading into our busy lives.


James Clear is a prominent author and speaker who concentrates on the domains of habits, decision-making, and continuous enhancement. His widely acclaimed work, "Atomic Habits," delves into the reformation of one's perspective on progress and achievement. It also offers a comprehensive toolkit and strategies to revamp personal habits. To delve into James' insights directly, you can explore our interview with him or initiate your journey into "Atomic Habits" through an excerpt.

Charlie Munger, a billionaire and the business partner of Warren Buffett, once remarked, "In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn't read all the time—none. Zero. You'd be amazed at how much Warren reads—and how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I'm a book with a couple of legs sticking out."

For those seeking greater financial prospects or a wellspring of wisdom, cultivating a reading habit becomes an essential undertaking. In my latest publication, "Atomic Habits," I lay out a straightforward framework comprising four fundamental principles for nurturing more productive habits. I refer to these principles as The Four Laws of Behavior Change. In the following discourse, I will expound upon ten uncomplicated and effective approaches to harness these laws and establish a habit of reading more books.

 The 1st Law: Make Reading Obvious

A significant portion of our habits and actions stem from the stimuli and cues within our external surroundings. Much like how you indulge in a cookie upon spotting a plate of them on the counter, you can harness this predisposition by enhancing the visibility of triggers that prompt your reading habits.

Incorporate a Book in Your Morning Routine: When making your bed each morning, place a book on your pillow. By integrating this small step—wake up, make bed, place book on pillow—into your daily routine, you're setting the stage for future reading. As you retire for the night, a book conveniently awaits you, beckoning you to read a few pages.

Reposition Reading Apps: Reshuffle reading apps like Audible, Kindle, or Pocket to your smartphone's home screen. Digital spaces, much like physical ones, influence your habits. Experiment with relocating social media, games, and other distractions away from your home screen and into a folder. In contrast, position reading apps prominently. This way, your phone's interface stimulates your reading inclination each time you open it.

Designate a Sacred Reading Space: Habits often intertwine with specific contexts. To counter distractions, establish a dedicated reading area. Whether it's a cozy corner chair or a certain café near your workplace, this exclusive space becomes associated solely with reading. Over time, repetition ingrains the habit of reading in that precise setting.

 The 2nd Law: Make Reading Attractive

Habits tend to flourish when they hold an allure of desirability. Here are strategies to amplify the appeal of reading:

Engage in Book Discussions: Conversing about books with friends magnifies the attraction of reading. Simple as it sounds, aligning your reading interests with those of your peers fosters a sense of belonging and attractiveness to the habit.

Initiate a Book Club: An excerpt from "Atomic Habits" underscores this point: "Join a group where your desired behavior is the normal behavior." Surrounding yourself with individuals who embody your desired habits normalizes those behaviors. Forming or joining a book club immerses you in a circle of avid readers, thereby augmenting the attractiveness of reading.

 The 3rd Law: Make Reading Easy

My philosophy regarding habit formation underscores the importance of minimizing friction and rendering habits effortless. Ensuring that new habits are convenient is pivotal.

Commit to Reading a Page Daily: Simplify reading by setting a modest target. Rather than fixating on lofty goals, such as reading a book weekly or finishing 30 books annually, focus on commencing the habit. Optimize the inception of the habit by aiming to read just one page per day. On many occasions, you'll surpass this threshold. On busier days, concentrate on achieving your one-page objective.

Kickstart Your Day with Reading: Choose the right moment for your reading habit. The timing should align with when you possess the time and energy to engage. Mornings often prove ideal. As the day progresses, other obligations encroach. By reading early, you evade interruptions and external demands.

Embrace Audiobooks: Audiobooks resolve the inconvenience of toting physical books and accommodate periods when reading isn't feasible. Listening to audiobooks lets you multitask while absorbing the content—during meal preparation, leisurely strolls, commutes, and more.

The 4th Law: Make Reading Satisfying

To sustain a reading habit, you must find gratification and delight in the act itself. Ensuring reading is enjoyable is paramount for its longevity.

Follow Your Excitement: Disregard external suggestions and read what truly captivates you. Whether it's escapist romance novels or revisiting Harry Potter, prioritizing personal enjoyment ensures a fulfilling experience and nurtures your desire to read further.

Opt for Utility: Concentrate on books that hold practical relevance for your life. Seek solutions to your challenges and aspirations. Reading becomes rewarding when it empowers you to overcome hurdles and achieve objectives.

With these ten tactics at your disposal, you're well-equipped to foster enhanced reading habits. For a deeper exploration of actionable strategies for cultivating any habit, "Atomic Habits" stands as a valuable resource.